
Nov 1, 2023 Our poster “Novel Class Discovery for Representation of Real-World Heritage Data as Neural Radiance Fields” is accepted @ AAAI 2024
Oct 15, 2023 Our first Dataset: “A Benchmark Grocery Dataset of Realworld Point Clouds from Single View” in collaboration with Prof. Chandra Kambhamettu, Director of VIMS lab | University of Delaware, is accepted @ IEEE 3DV 2024
Aug 21, 2023 Two papers accepted @ ICCV 2023 workshop | e-heritage!!
  1. ASUR3D: Arbitrary Scale Upsampling and Refinement of 3D Point Clouds Using Local Occupancy Fields”
  2. DeFi: Detection and Filling of Holes in Point Clouds Towards Restoration of Digitized Cultural Heritage Models”
Aug 21, 2023 Our paper TP-NoDe: Topology-Aware Progressive Noising and Denoising of Point Clouds Towards Upsampling” is accepted @ WiCV | ICCV 2023 workshop.
Mar 28, 2023 My work: GPr-Net: Geometric Prototypical Network for Point Cloud Few-Shot Learning” in collaboration with Dr. Dena Bazazian, Director of Studies | University of Plymouth, is accepted @ DLGC | CVPR 2023 workshop.